Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Light

I love listening to Christian music with Molly. She has a beautiful voice and I love that she 'hears' what they are singing about...Our Beautiful Savior, Our One True God!
But, what I love the most is when God places it on her heart to ask what a song means and she wants the entire song broken down for her.  What an awesome Bible lesson for her... for me too.  But...the coolest thing that God does for us?  He always has her ask about songs that truly have meaning for her.  It always amazes me that when we discuss the lyrics, it seems as though they were written just for her! I love how God works!

 Recently, she asked me about Learning To Be The Light by Newworldson.
It started out simple...
"What is atmosphere?"
"How can you be trapped?"
"Why do you learn to be the light?"

We were able to talk about adoption, birth parents, adoptive families, how God can take a yucky situation and give hope to it, how knowing Jesus can be so full of light.  ALL for nothing in return! And our Molly?  She definitely is learning to be the light!
Molly, much you have endured but HOPE is yours!

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