Saturday, September 15, 2012


Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to let things go and be content. This year, back to school pictures were not done in the orderly fashion as the past 12 years...when I had control, when I took all the pictures, when the kids left with a full stomach of eggs and toast, when we ate breakfast together, when I was at the front door waving them off to school. Nope, this year did not go as planned...yes, they all had new back to school outfits shirts, but the morning? Let's just say I did not plan well on how to get 5 kids out of the house in one hour. The big kids were ready to leave while I was attending to my new nursing duties upstairs. So, I did what I must, I gave in, gave up control and rallied the hubby to shoot the first day photos...

backpacks? front shot? side shot? group shot? same background? Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to let things go and be content. Honey, you did great!

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